Hello everyone! Happy summer! It’s Trish here from Meraki Mosaics. Yes indeed, it has been some time since I’ve been in touch! I’m still breaking glass however and engaging with people like you to help piece it back together 🙂

Meraki News

I’m happy to offer you a summer special! Book a glass on glass mosaic workshop or buy a gift certificate before the end of August and save 20%! While this offer to buy expires at the end of August, you may redeem your purchase until Dec 15, 2017! Hope you will take advantage of my offer!

Workshop offerings in July and August
Summer is speeding by it seems! I have scheduled intermittent workshops at my home studio in July and August. If these dates are not the best for you, don’t hesitate to contact me and we will arrange another time!

Host your own glass mosaic gathering!
Are you looking to get your teens off the screens for a bit? Have a tween birthday coming up and while she /he maintains they are too old for a birthday party, still wants to get together with friends? Have friends and family visiting Ottawa for this special year and looking for something different to do? Planning to gather the hockey moms together for an off-season gathering? Contact me today! No space? No problem! I am happy to host your event in my home studio in the west end of Ottawa.

Coming this fall!
In addition to the 3 hour intro classes and mosaic parties, I’ll also be offering longer mosaic workshops. This provides more time time to complete your mosaic, as well as time to grout. Stay tuned for more info!

Special community mosaic for CHEO!
I had the great please to collaborate with the Stittsville community in early June! Our project? A mosaic Canada flag which will be donated to the Runway for Hope fundraiser auction, in aid of CHEO. It was a pleasure to connect with Ima at Picture Plus to complete this beauty of a mosaic. Ima has very kindly offered to display our mosaic Canada flag in the window of Picture Plus Framing during the month of August! Check out some progress pics on my blog.

Mosaics in Canada

The Canadian mosaic community has some very exciting news to share! For the first time ever, a national mosaic exhibit is in the works. It will be held in Hamilton, Ontario, at the Flagship Gallery in the fall of this year. More information about what promises to be a stellar display of art and talent can be found here. Can I interest anyone in a road trip perhaps?

That’s it for now folks! The garden beckons! Stay well and enjoy your summer. Hope to see you soon,

PS I’d really appreciate if you’d forward this onto a friend who may be interested in learning about mosaics too. Many thanks.

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